Cyber-Physical System Industrial

The purpose of this course is to expand the capabilities of the cloud platform based on an already developed IoT architecture. Specifically, regarding its computing capabilities on a practical case in which vibration data from industrial equipment is monitored, thus generating a platform inspired by the concept of a cyber-physical system.


Continuously open


Application deadline:

Continuously open

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Course Presentation

The purpose of this course is to expand the capabilities of the cloud platform based on an already developed IoT architecture. Specifically, regarding its computing capabilities on a practical case in which vibration data from industrial equipment is monitored, thus generating a platform inspired by the concept of a cyber-physical system.

For this purpose, it is necessary to consider several tools that will allow:

  • Generate communication flows between devices and between applications on an environment for their development (i.e. Node-RED), integrating different communication protocols (i.e. Modbus and HTTP).
  • Learn to use programming environments (i.e. Python) for data processing applications that allow the integration of an artificial intelligence layer.
  • Display in a data visualization panel (i.e. Grafana) the raw data from the industrial environment, as well as the data processed by the application.

The course is developed through a set of guided stages based on textual indications and explanatory videos. Reading and viewing these instructions will offer an overview of the particular system to be developed. However, it is recommended to replicate the steps indicated for a better understanding and management of the environments introduced in this workshop.

Finally, comment that due to the high number of open source software resources considered in this course, it is possible that some of the versions considered correspond to versions that are not updated with respect to those available during the workshop. It is recommended, in this sense, to use the versions referred to in this workshop whenever possible, with the aim of ensuring compatibility between applications.

Course details

Deep tech fields

Internet Of Things | W3C | Semantic Web


Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands (the), Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova (the Republic of), Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Online, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the), United States of America (the)

Course language



Free course

Duration (hours)


Certificate provided


Skills addressed

Internet of Things (IoT), databases, computing, industry.

Course format


Target group

Undergraduate-level learners, Postgraduate-level learners, Professional development learners, Life-long learners

Quality check




Continuously open


Application deadline:

Continuously open

Course provider

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC)

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology, and one ..

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